Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Toe Ring and it Importnces

Importance and reason behind wearing toe ring

By wearing a toe ring a woman gains the benefit of Sri Lakshmi and Sri Sarasvati Principle. Wearing a toe ring is compulsory for every married woman. By wearing a toe ring the woman is constantly reminded of her Dharma as a married woman, her duties and regulations.

Toe ring is called as bichhiya or Metti in Hindi most of the married Indian women wear this ring to their second finger of both left and right legs.  This toe ring indicates that the woman is married.   This ring is kind of restriction on conduct of married women, toe rings indicated that the women should not cross any of the rules of their house and should not do anything without the permission of her husband.

Toe rings were introduced to the United States by Marjorie Borell who, after returning from India began manufacturing and selling them in New York in 1973. Her first retail outlet was Fiorucci, a trendy fashion retailer located on 59th Street in New York.
Toe Ring
Toe Ring

Toe ring also has its own scientific reason be hide wearing it. It has so many design and shapes and also each shape has its own meaning of wearing it. It helps in circulation of blood in the body same time control the body cycle of the women because it’s made of sliver which helps for women body.

Sliver Toe Ring
Sliver Toe Ring

Toe ring is also called bichiya in Hindi, Mettelu in Telugu, Metti in Tamil & kalungura in Kannada.Tradition of wearing toe rings carries tremendous social significance for married Hindu women in India. 

On Marriage Day
On Marriage Day

It is believed, that their Menstrual cycle course is regularized with even intervals. This gives good scope for conceiving to married women. Also it is said just because that particular nerve in the second finger from toe, also connects the uterus and passes through heart.
Indian Toe Ring
Indian Toe Ring

This toe ring is made of sliver because Silver being a good conductor, it also absorbs the energy from the polar energies from the earth and passes it to the body, thus refreshing whole body system.

This toe ring can also be wear as gold ring but as Indian traditional the gold should not be wearied below the feet as its pure, so the toe rings are mostly made of sliver with round shape and bit open at one side so that it would be easy to remove.

Science Behind wearing toe ring   
Most Indian women who are married wear a toe-ring. It’s not only a sign that the woman is married, it’s also science. Indian Vedas (Vedham or Vedam) say that by wearing this in both feet, it is believed, that their Menstrual cycle course is regularized with even intervals. This gives good scope for conceiving to married women. Also it is said just because that particular nerve in the second finger from toe, also connects the uterus and passes through heart. If you notice, the toe ring will always be on the second toe of the right leg and also the left leg. It will control the uterus and keep it healthy by producing evenly balanced blood pressure to the uterus.
Modern Toe Ring
Modern Toe Ring
Stones Toe Ring
Stones Toe Ring

In great Indian epic called 'Ramayana' toe ring plays a vital role. When Sita was abducted by Ravana, on the way, she throwed her toe ring (kaniazhi) as the identification for lord Rama. This shows that toe ring is used from ancient time.

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